Vibrant and inspiring worship to grow your faith
Online Worship
Good Shepherd’s online worship services are available live Sundays at 9 am (Contemporary) and 11 am and on-demand anytime after.
Join us for worship
You are welcome at Good Shepherd regardless of where you find yourself on your spiritual journey. Join us this weekend to listen to the Word, lift up prayers, and discover how God is calling you.
Worship Times: Sat at 5 pm | Sun at 9 am (Contemporary) or 11 am
Different expressions
Good Shepherd worships through two distinct expressions. Both contemporary and traditional worship are designed to help draw you closer to God so you can live out your faith each day.
We live stream our Sunday services. Both 9 am (Contemporary) and 11 am are live streamed each week.
We also live stream services on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.
Good Shepherd practices an open invitation to communion. All are welcome to the Lord’s Table, including children.
Yes, grape juice is available as well as gluten-free wafers for those who need them.
Yes, we celebrate communion at all service each week.
Children are embraced in all worship services. Weekly Children’s Messages invite children to the front to hear a message that’s just for them.
We also understand some days you need a little help. We provide Children’s bulletins with activities (available from the ushers) and bags of quiet toys for children to play with in the pews (available on the rack just outside the worship space).
A “Praygound” with games and books is located just outside the worship space. The Prayground is designed with comfortable seats and windows & speakers for parents & caregivers to stay connected to worship.
An attended nursery is also available for parents to use on Sunday mornings.
Our weekly faith formation hour is called Good Shepherd Connect and has education opportunities for kids through adults. Good Shepherd Connect meets most Sundays at 10:10 am from September through May.