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Finding Christ’s Voice in a Noisy World
Pastor Melinda reminds us that God changes us through powerful encounters so that we may better hear Christ’s call in a world full of competing voices.

Love Your Enemies
Pastor Alex reminds us that by practicing love in everyday actions, even toward strangers and those who oppose us, we can transform words into a lasting way of life that reflects Christ's radical love.

Ground in Our Mission
Pastor Lorne reminds us that while our strategies and methods will always adapt, we must always remember our calling to be a people that are committed to connecting people to true abundance in Christ.

Getting Unstuck
Pastor Lorne encourages us to move beyond the failures and insecurities of our lives that keep us stuck and trust and follow Jesus into new abundant life.

Boundless Love
Pastor Melinda reminds us that God’s love is a gift that is freely given to all.

Growing Goodness
Pastor Alex reminds us that we are people who are called to grow goodness, mercy, and healing in God’s creation.

A Foundation of Grace
Pastor Lorne reminds us of the amazing power that is provided through God’s gift of grace.

You Are Beloved
In her first sermon at Good Shepherd, Pastor Melinda reminds us that no matter where we are on our faith journeys we are truly beloved.

A Spirit of Curiosity
Pastor Alex reminds us that a spirit of curiosity keeps our eyes open to the ways in which God is calling us to bring more love and grace into the world.

Being Present to Christmas
Pastor Lorne reminds us of the importance of being present to the moment we are in and to linger just a little longer in the season of Christmas.

God With Us
On this Christmas Eve, Pastor Alex reminds us of the importance of relationships in our lives and how God provides the example when he came to live among us.
The Gift of Love
In a culture where we hear so many things about ourselves that simply aren’t true, Pastor Lorne reminds us to listen for the voice of God which declares in no uncertain terms that we are loved.

The Gift of Joy
Pastor Lorne reminds us of the joy that God provides when we open ourselves up to living life in community, surrounded by people who will walk with us through the good and the bad.

The Gift of Peace
Pastor Alex explores how the true peace offered through Christ is not to be confused with “quiet”, but rather is a peace that comes from trusting that God will always guide us.

The Gift of Hope
In this first week of Advent, Pastor Alex explores God's gift of hope and how it help us endure the good and bad times of our lives.

God’s Kingdom
Pastor Lorne reminds us that God’s Kingdom is not like the kingdoms of the earth. It’s a kingdom that’s built on love and mercy with open doors welcoming all people inside.

God is Always With You
In this week's sermon, Pastor Lorne reminds us that God is always working in our lives, even during our lowest moments.

Loving Our Neighbor
Pastor Alex reminds us that regardless of our views on politics, we are people who are called to love God and love our neighbor.

Bold Generosity
Pastor Lorne reminds us that bold generosity is a lifelong commitment to serving and giving so that others may know God’s love in their life.