“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”
At Good Shepherd, we believe that the sacrament of baptism is a beautiful life-changing event. In baptism, we trust that God is active in cleansing us of our sins, we are claimed as children of God, and we receive the free gift of God’s grace.
Whether as an infant or an adult, we trust that in baptism, we are joined to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus!
Parents of children to be baptized are expected to meet with one of our pastors to review Lutheran theology as it relates to baptism as well as the logistics of the baptismal service.
Adults to be baptized also meet with a pastor.
As Lutheran Christians, we believe that baptism is a gift of God’s grace. Baptism brings us into the Church, Christ’s living body on earth. As the First Century church baptized whole families, including infants, so do Lutherans.
Upholding the ancient church’s practice of baptizing infants, Martin Luther argued that if “… Baptism is made dependent on faith, we (would) scarcely ever arrive at the assurance of having sufficient faith and thus at the validity of our Baptism. … Baptism … points to the fact that salvation comes only from God.”
Yes! We invite all people to consider the sacrament of baptism, regardless of age. We also recognize Christian baptism from other denominations.
If you have already been baptized and are interested in joining Good Shepherd formally, learn more about our church in our Discover GS adult education classes. New members are received into the community every few months.
At Good Shepherd, Godparents are known as ‘sponsors.’ These individuals are practicing Christians that promise to be partners with the individual being baptized in modeling and encouraging one’s Christian journey.
Because we need an entire community around us to grow in faith, sponsors are an essential part of Baptism and are not optional. You may choose relatives or friends. There is no requirement that sponsors be of a certain gender (such as one man and one woman) or a member of Good Sehpherd, or be Lutheran.
If you need assistance in finding sponsors, the pastors would be happy to identify someone from the congregation to fill this role.
Ready to schedule a baptism?
Fill out the form below
Baptisms are held seasonally on select weekends during each worship service. If you are interested in scheduling a baptism, please fill out the form below to begin preparation for baptism with a pastor.