Connecting People to True Abundance in Christ
Connecting People to
True Abundance in Christ
We are excited that you have decided to learn more about our mission & ministry at Good Shepherd!
We invite you to watch the video of how Good Shepherd reclarified our mission in 2024 and take some time to read more about what we believe.
Our Values
We believe all people are created in God’s image and our community flourishes when acceptance, grace, and dignity are extended for every human life. We believe God’s mission is strengthened when every one uses their unique gifts to embrace our mission every day of the week.
Every One, Every Day
We believe authentic relationships are the heart of Christian community. Everything we do will be rooted and grounded in helping people connect to God, one another, and the world.
Rooted in Relationship
We believe we are saved by grace alone and God’s unconditional love is extended to all people through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Guided by God’s grace, we embody the good news of the Gospel in all we do.
Guided by Grace
We believe The Body of Christ is strengthened when multiple generations come together in worship, community, and service. We seek to create greater impact in the world by equipping disciples across every stage of life.
Intergenerational Impact
We believe The Gospel is relevant to people of every time and place. We are committed to a rich tradition of regularly adapting our methods of ministry to better serve an ever changing world.
Relevant and Reforming
Learn more about who we are!
Explore in greater depth our community’s mission, vision, and values in “Seeking True Abundance in Christ”.
Continue your journey by worshiping with us this weekend!
We’d love to meet you!
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Let us answer your questions by dropping us a line - we’d love to hear from you!