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Good Shepherd Film Discussion Series

Expand your appreciation of film through great discussion!

This year’s theme: Stranger Than Fiction. All of the films are worthy of discussion, to be sure. At the same time, there is something unusual about these movies. They are sometimes a bit off the beaten track. They may be a bit eccentric......they may seem a bit times, they may even be more than a a good way......

This month’s film: Stranger Than Fiction (2008)

Harold Crick is an auditor for the Internal Revenue Service. He leads a totally measured existence, with hardly a bit of stimulation from the people around him. This arrangement seems quite satisfactory until one very curious day, when Harold starts to hear a voice that no one else can hear. The voice is female, one who speaks to him as if she were writing a novel. Harold is her lead character, whether he likes it or not!  The voice knows and documents every aspect of his life quite accurately, including a few things he would rather not hear about . . .  This is a unique film concerning the merits of living life to the fullest, starring Will Ferrell, Dustin Hoffman, Emma Thompson and Maggie Gyllenhall.

Organized and led by GSLC Member, Doug McConnell. Learn more & sign-up at

September 8

God's work. Our hands.

September 23
