Watch Sermons
The Gift of Love
In a culture where we hear so many things about ourselves that simply aren’t true, Pastor Lorne reminds us to listen for the voice of God which declares in no uncertain terms that we are loved.

The Gift of Joy
Pastor Lorne reminds us of the joy that God provides when we open ourselves up to living life in community, surrounded by people who will walk with us through the good and the bad.

The Gift of Peace
Pastor Alex explores how the true peace offered through Christ is not to be confused with “quiet”, but rather is a peace that comes from trusting that God will always guide us.

The Gift of Hope
In this first week of Advent, Pastor Alex explores God's gift of hope and how it help us endure the good and bad times of our lives.

God is With Us in Our Calling
In this week’s sermon, Pastor Alex reminds us that regardless of our fears and worries about what God is calling into, God is with us and will equip us for the journey ahead.

God is With Us in the Darkness
In this week’s sermon, Pastor Alex reminds us that we are called to follow God’s light in the darkness and to help point towards it when others cannot yet see.

God is With Us in Our Preparing
In this week’s sermon, Pastor Lorne invites us to see the ways God is with us as we are called to use His gifts to bless and feed those around us.

God is With Us in Our Waiting
In this week’s sermon, Pastor Alex reflects on what it means to use this time of waiting to better connect with God’s presence in our lives.