Watch Sermons

Guided by Grace
In this week's sermon, Pastor Melinda reminds us that God's unconditional grace frees us from shame and judgement, allowing us to meet others where they are with compassion.

Every One, Every Day
In this first week of “We Believe”, Pastor Lorne explores the value of “Every One, Every Day”. He reminds us of how Jesus modeled community and inclusion, where every person was invited to use their gifts to do God’s work every day.

More Than Just Dust
On this Ash Wednesday, Pastor Alex reminds us that God uses dust to do extraordinary things.

Christ is with us
In this Palm Sunday sermon, Pastor Lorne explores the power of what it means that Christ died on the cross not just for us, but also with us.

From Head to Heart
As we conclude our Lenten Journey, The Shift, Pastor Lorne explores how wake-up calls in our lives can help us shift our faith from something that we experience in our heads to something that is lived out through our hearts.

From Fear in God to Freedom in Christ
As we continue our Lenten Worship Series, The Shift, Pastor Alex explores how we called to shift our perspective away from being fearful of God and instead to a freedom in Christ that calls us to love & serve our neighbors.

From Ritual to Relationship
As we continue our Lenten Worship Series, The Shift, Pastor Alex asks us to look beyond the rituals of our faith lives and see the places God is inviting us into a deeper relationship with Him and those around us.

From Playing it Safe to Pursing God’s Mission
As we continue our Lenten Worship Series, The Shift, Pastor Lorne explores how Jesus invites us to shift our perspective from living a life that is safe, to one that purses God’s mission to restore the world with love & grace.

From Someday to Today
During our first weekend of Lent, Pastor Lorne explores how Jesus calls us to shift our perspective from living life for someday to living life today.

The Uncertainty of Life & Certainty of Death
In his Ash Wednesday sermon, Pastor Lorne encourages us to look the uncertainty of life and certainty of death in its face by remembering that God cares deeply about each and everyone of us. And that we may be encouraged to know that we do not walk this life alone and how we bring God’s love into the world matters.