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More Than Just Dust
On this Ash Wednesday, Pastor Alex reminds us that God uses dust to do extraordinary things.

Love Your Enemies
Pastor Alex reminds us that by practicing love in everyday actions, even toward strangers and those who oppose us, we can transform words into a lasting way of life that reflects Christ's radical love.

Growing Goodness
Pastor Alex reminds us that we are people who are called to grow goodness, mercy, and healing in God’s creation.

A Spirit of Curiosity
Pastor Alex reminds us that a spirit of curiosity keeps our eyes open to the ways in which God is calling us to bring more love and grace into the world.

God With Us
On this Christmas Eve, Pastor Alex reminds us of the importance of relationships in our lives and how God provides the example when he came to live among us.

The Gift of Peace
Pastor Alex explores how the true peace offered through Christ is not to be confused with “quiet”, but rather is a peace that comes from trusting that God will always guide us.

The Gift of Hope
In this first week of Advent, Pastor Alex explores God's gift of hope and how it help us endure the good and bad times of our lives.

Loving Our Neighbor
Pastor Alex reminds us that regardless of our views on politics, we are people who are called to love God and love our neighbor.

Beautiful Hope
Pastor Alex reminds us that even in our darkest moments we can trust in Jesus and that the worst thing is not the last thing.

The Least Are the Greatest
In this week’s sermon, Pastor Alex explores what it means to stop focusing on ourselves and instead put that focus on those who are overlooked in lives.

Recalibrating Our Perspective
In this week’s sermon, Pastor Alex explores what it means to humbly respond to Christ’s calling in our lives and how God’s provision is enough.

Beyond the To Do List
On his return from sabbatical, Pastor Alex reminds us our faith is more than a “to do” list, but an invitation to live a life transformed so that all may see God’s love and grace in their lives.

A Faith Alive
Pastor Alex reminds us that sometimes the best testimony we can share of the Good News of Jesus is through how we live our daily lives.

God provides the Holy Spirit
Pastor Alex reminds us that the Holy Spirit is a gift from God that sustains us each day as we navigate the ups and downs of our lives.

God provides the source of life
This week, Pastor Alex reminds us to spend time in the practices that feed our souls and that help us better see the ways God is inviting into His greater vision for the world.

God provides a voice to guide us
In this week’s sermon, Pastor Alex reminds us that God provides a voice to lead us as long as we are willing to take the time to truly listen.

From Fear in God to Freedom in Christ
As we continue our Lenten Worship Series, The Shift, Pastor Alex explores how we called to shift our perspective away from being fearful of God and instead to a freedom in Christ that calls us to love & serve our neighbors.

From Ritual to Relationship
As we continue our Lenten Worship Series, The Shift, Pastor Alex asks us to look beyond the rituals of our faith lives and see the places God is inviting us into a deeper relationship with Him and those around us.

Go Tell the Story
In this week’s sermon, Pastor Alex encourages us to remember our mission to be a witness to the resurrection so that others may know God’s amazing grace & love in their lives.