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From Belief to Trust
This week Pastor Lorne explores how our relationship with Christ is fundamentally changed when we change our belief into trust.
A Hunger Satisfied
This week, Pastor Lorne reminds us that the hunger we have for meaning and purpose in our lives can only truly be satisfied by accepting the love and peace Jesus offers and leaving the things the world offers.
Created To Be
This week, we welcomed Good Shepherd’s High School Youth Group, The Flock, to share their Spirit moments from their recent trip to the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans, LA.
All Are Satisfied
This week, we welcome Pastor Michael Oakley to Good Shepherd. He reminds us that while we may have fear about the future, Jesus promises to walk with us through the storm and provide us hope and life.
The Power of Rest
During times of struggle or uncertainty, Pastor Lorne encourages us all to use rest as a way to find the necessary space we need to make sense of the world.
A New Story for the World
Pastor Lorne reminds us that we are a people who are called to share a different kind of story with the world through our words and actions: one that is rooted in God’s love, grace, and forgiveness.
Stronger Together
Pastor Lorne reminds us that our journey of faith is not done alone, but rather with other people in community.
Do Not Be Afraid
Pastor Lorne reminds us that God is always walking with us, even during the scary and fearful times in our lives.
Navigating Life’s Stormy Seas
Pastor Pat reminds us that although our boat may be in rough and stormy seas to have faith that Jesus is in the boat as well, helping us get to the other side.
The Greatest of Gifts
Much like the mustard seed that blossoms into the greatest of shrubs, Pastor Lorne reminds us that the little acts of daily love we share likely mean more to the people around us than the grandest of gestures.
Show the World Hope
Pastor Lorne reminds us that living out our calling as disciples of Jesus is more than just something good for ourselves but rather a way that God's Kingdom can break through into a world that is in desperate need of God's love and grace.
The Heart of Sabbath
Pastor Lorne explores the gift of Sabbath and how it refuels us so that we may do the work God is calling us into.
A Faith Alive
Pastor Alex reminds us that sometimes the best testimony we can share of the Good News of Jesus is through how we live our daily lives.
God provides the Holy Spirit
Pastor Alex reminds us that the Holy Spirit is a gift from God that sustains us each day as we navigate the ups and downs of our lives.
God provides the power of prayer
Pastor Lorne reminds us that God invites all prayers, even the ones that don’t feel polished or rehearsed.
God provides unconditional love
Pastor Lorne reminds us this week that God uses ordinary acts of love to do extraordinary things.
God provides the source of life
This week, Pastor Alex reminds us to spend time in the practices that feed our souls and that help us better see the ways God is inviting into His greater vision for the world.
God provides a voice to guide us
In this week’s sermon, Pastor Alex reminds us that God provides a voice to lead us as long as we are willing to take the time to truly listen.
God provides peace in the midst of our pain
This week, Pastor Lorne explores the ways that God provides peace in the midst of the challenging and painful moments of our lives.
God provides community in our struggles
In this first week of “Life Lines: Finding Hope When Life Feels Hopeless”, Pastor Alex explores how God provides community to journey with us when we have doubts and struggles.